At BilinguaSing classes we sing well known nursery rhymes and popular childrens’ songs in English and also in French, Spanish, German or Italian. So you don’t need to know any languages to join us, but I guarantee that you will be singing along in no time!
JOIN US IN 2025!
Our songs are accompanied by a range of instruments, puppets, sensory play, bubbles, dancing & elements of baby massage and yoga for the babies. So we have a lot of fun playing while we also learn a new language together.
Research has proven that exposing babies and young children to the sounds of foreign languages as early on in life as possible actually pre-programmes / re-wires their brain to be more able to learn and speak languages fluently in later life. Amazing!
We run classes in Leamington Spa, Stoneleigh, Stratford upon Avon, Kenilworth, Rubgy, Coventry and Banbury.
To book your taster class please click here.
Join BilinguaSing in 2025!
We have classes in Leamington Spa, Cubbington, Stoneleigh, Balsall Common, Kenilworth and Coventry. Here’s our current timetable:
Mondays: Dale Street Church, Leamington Spa, CV32 5HL (SPANISH)
- 10.30am – mixed aged family class (0-4 years)
- 11.30am – birth, sitting & crawling baby class (0-13 months)
Tuesdays: Stoneleigh Village Hall, Stoneleigh, CV8 3DG (FRENCH)
- 10.15am – mixed aged family class (0-4 years)
Tuesdays: Bilton Methodist Church, Rugby, CV22 7ND (FRENCH)
- 2.00pm – mixed aged family class (0-4 years)
Wednesdays: Stratford-Upon-Avon Methodist Church, Stratfrord-Upon-Avon, CV37 6BG (FRENCH)
- 2.00pm – mixed aged family class (0-4 years)
Thursdays: Kenilworth Methodist Church, Kenilworth, CV8 1LQ (ITALIAN)
- 1.45pm – mixed aged family class, 0-4 years
Thursdays: Longford Park Community Centre, Banbury, OX15 4GJ (FRENCH)
- 2.00pm – mixed aged family class, 0-4 years
Fridays: Jaguar Sports & Social Club, Coventry, CV5 9PS (SPANISH)
- 10.00am – mixed aged family class, 0-4 years
Fridays: St Barbara’s Church, Coventry, CV5 6AG (GERMAN)
- 10.30am – mixed aged family class, 0-4 years
Online: sessions for ages 0-7 years in the comfort of your own home!
For more information about our online classes click here
We would love to offer visitors to Take It From Mummy a free digital album download when they book a block of classes.
Please quote MKBW to claim your freebie!
Get in touch:

Tel: 07815149877